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Carry Your Baby Past Term – Are There Dangers Involved? 0

Many new moms are afraid to have a csection, or they are not sure if a csection is necessary. But having a csection can actually lower your risks for many types of complications. The reason that it is beneficial to have a csection is because it is a completely routine [Read more]

Tips on Parenting Advice 0

There is no such thing as parenting advice, unless it comes straight from someone you trust and admire and trust yourself to never give your life away. Some of the information here was completely original. I am the better parent thanks to advice given by a friend and another person [Read more]

Winter Activities for the Kids 0

Now that the nights are starting to draw in, you can bet your bottom dollar that being in the UK, the rain will come with the dark nights too. Well, when this happens, I find that the kids tend to get a bit restless being cooped up all day as [Read more]